
We offer solutions by the experts in the industry with over 30 years of combined experience
We work with small, medium, and large businesses to develop tailor made packages specific to your business.
'Nobody counts the number of ads you run; they just remember the impression you make.'
Advertising and media buys are at the front of delivering the proper message to customers and prospective customers.
A few of the purposes of advertising are to convince customers that a company’s services or products are the best, enhance the image of the company, point out and create a need for products or services, and demonstrate new uses for established products. With an increasing number of “new media” methods, you need a guide to help you find the right mix of advertising vehicles to impact your target audience.
Effective media buys hit on two points: sound relationships with top media owners so as to present new opportunities to clients, and the influence to ensure that clients are paying a fair price. As an example, we are sometimes presented with unexpected opportunities or offers that are available only to advertising specialists, which we can pass on to our established clients.
Also, we have years of experience to inform our opinions of the best ROI for advertising vehicles, placement, frequency, or other critieria. In a second example, the cost of a podcast ad may drop significantly depending on the medium or the time of day it is run. Also, prices will increase greatly during an election year, due to increased demand for airtime from political campaigns.
The increased use of “new media” or online outlets has also greatly expanded the potential exposure—and the complexity of—an advertising campaign. This includes the rapid expansion of social media ads.
'We don’t have a choice on whether we do social media, the question is how well we do it.'
Would you like to increase your brand recognition?
Improve consumer’s loyalty to your brand? Create more chances to convert customers? Decrease overall marketing costs? Rank higher with search engines like Google?
This, and more, can be achieved by using Social Media marketing.
Social media marketing can can be a great form of “word of mouth”. These sites and blogs let users repost comments made about a service or product being promoted. Repeating the message to the users network can potentially spread the word at a huge rate. Because of this repeated information, more traffic is directed to your product or company.
We know that maintaining a regular presence on social media can be time consuming. You need to focus on what you and your business does best. By letting Hawk Design develop and manage your social media campaign, you can do just that.
We are a design and marketing/consultation agency, based in Colorado and specializing in Web Design, SEO, Marketing, & Logo Design. Our work ranges from small projects to large scale branding and corporate identity.
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